Creating a backup Page

Creating a Backup Page

Now that you have installed the clone plugin, it is best to make a backup page of your website in case you have make a change that you don't like and don't know how to go back to the original. This can happen when changing elements in the design that don't go as originally envisioned. Unfortunately, once you hit publish on a Wordpress page, there is no undo button that can take you back. It is best to then have a backup page that you can restore to take you back to the original look, feel and elements that you know work.

To create a backup of your main page;

  1. Ensure you are logged in as the administrator,
  2. Ensure that the "CP Page and Post" plugin is installed and active,
  3. Go the the "pages" menu on the admin menu
  4. Hover over the page and select "clone"
  5. In the page title area, rename the page to something descriptive of the page (ie. HomeBackup)
  6. Click "draft" to save the page in draft form.
  7. The page is now saved in the background for future use but not available for the public to see.

Note: You may choose to make a clone of this page in the future to do your edits on then make it your home page once you like the outcome. Find more on this in the "Making a page your home page" help section.

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