Getting to Know Your Admin Environment
When you are logged into Wordpress as an administrator, there are several menus that become available to you for you to control and make changes to your website.
There are three main control areas:
The top menu
The top menu contains a few frequently used quick functions for adding information to your website. You'll find items such as adding new pages or blog posts. You will also find
- Links to
- The main site page (if in the admin area) or Admin options (if on the main page)
- The update page
- The comment moderation page
- Add New (page, post, media or user)
- Yoast SEO plugin options if installed
On the left side or the top menu, you will have:
Account profile controls, including logout
Screen Options which control what information gets displayed on the dashboard
Help, which takes to you to Wordpress documentation.
This menu will be visible any time you are logged into your website as an administrator. Note: the end user will not be able to see this menu.
The sidebar menu
A full array of the website administrative functionality is located in this menu. It is much too complex to specify each operation here but will be addressed on specific menu item sections.
The theme customization menu
The theme customization menu controls items which pertain specifically to the installed theme. This includes aspects such as styling, colors, fonts, button and menu behavior.
When making changes on this menu you will see the changes happen in real time on the right of the menu. This is the best place to make changes so you can see the implications of the selected change.