
Setting your Website Configuration

Website Configuration


There are a few configuration settings you should set on your website to help ensure security and usability of your site.

Settings -  General

Site Identity

There are a few areas that give your website it's identity.

  1. The name of the website will be specified under certain conditions such as when you hover over a tab. This should be changed to what you want your website to be known as.
  2. The Tagline also has some visibility. It is the equivalent of a subtitle on an article. You can leave this blank but if you have one, it can greatly increase the premise of the site.

Note: this can also be changed under the theme "customization" area.


The membership are specifies how new members can be added to the website. This can be helpful when blogging but for static sites should be turned off or dumbed down as much as possible. Doing this will help ensure a level of security to your website.

  1. Ensure that :Anyone can Register" is unchecked. This will prevent anyone from registering to your site without your notice.
  2. Ensure that "New User Default Role" is selected to "subscriber." This will ensure if new users will inherit this role which has the least control. Should you need to adjust a users capacity to control different aspects of the website (ie. post blog posts or moderate comments), they can be changed at a later date.


  1. You can select the language that the user uses on the back end of the website. In most cases it should be selected to a variation of "English," however users which prefer to use a different language can select it here.

Note: This will not affect the front end of the website, only the controls that the administrator sees on the back end or admin section of the site.

Time Zone

  1. Select the time zone which you reside in. Mountain Standard Time is UTC-7.

Date & Time

  1. This are specifes the date and time format for the website. Select the format that suits your preferences.
  2. Choose the day of the week you want to use as the start of your work week. Again, this is personal preference.

Save Settings

Save your "General" settings on the once you set how you want.


Settings - Permalinks

Permalinks will define the website address (URL) that is associated with a blog post. Although it is not critical to set this on a one page website, it is best to set it now while the website is new into the world. Changing it in the future  may have search engine visibility implications and can negatively affect your search engine optimization (SEO) rank. It may also affect the usability of your website so it is best to format it in a way that your users will expect.

Select "Post Name" as your permalink and click "Save Changes"

Settings - Writing (Optional)

Wordpress has a good little feature that you can use for blogs that can send notice of new blog posts to syndication services helping you spread the word when you create new blog posts. By default, Wordpress adds a link to one of those services.Since this is widely known, spammers and hackers will scrape these services as a means building a list of people that they can target.

  1. You can safely delete this address and leave the box blank then click "Save Settings"

Note: You can add more services should you choose to get into blogging however that is a discussion you can find in the blogging section for more information.


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